Tricks For Packup


A. GitHub Actions

A.01 - Clone Private Repo

1. Create a Personal Access Token (PAT):
2. Add the PAT as a GitHub Secret:
  • In your repository, go to "Settings" -> "Secrets" -> "Actions."
  • Give it a name (e.g., GITHUB_TOKEN).
3. Use the PAT in your GitHub Actions workflow:
Method A: Using actions/checkout with a token:
Method B: Using git clone directly:

A.02 - Generate Docker Image Tags

  • Each building have a latest tag and SHA tag.
  • Only git tag triggered building have semver tags.

B. Docker Build

B.01 - pip install cache

This command will mount a Docker-managed cache storage to the default pip cached folder

© Yanli 盐粒 2022 - 2025